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Natural Acne Treatment that Works

I used to have an entire drawer crammed full of acne products . . .

I tried every over-the-counter treatment out there and even many prescriptions. Nothing worked. Occasionally I would see temporary results, but my acne always came back with a vengeance.
I thought I would grow out of it. I didn't.

Bad washing habits will only make your acneproblem worse 

Washing your face is common sense, or is it? There are right and wrong ways to wash, and some acne regimens actually encourage washing practices that can end up damaging your skin. Follow these guidelines to make sure you're fighting acne and not encouraging it when you wash.

Wash your face only twice per day

One of the most frequent mistakes that acne sufferers make is over-washing. Proper hygiene does not mean slathering yourface with harsh chemicals a hundred times per day.

Remember, most acne is not caused by surface dirt or bacteria. Simply keeping your skin clean isn't going to stop the biological processes behind acne. Over-washing can actually have the opposite effect. By constantly sapping your skin of its protective layer of oil, you can leave your cells dry and cracked, more easily irritated and more vulnerable to damage, including sun damage that can lead to fine lines and wrinkles

But isn't excess skin oil the problem? Why not eliminate it by washing frequently?  

Yes, excess skin oil is the culprit behind most acne, but the key word here is "excess". Constantly washing your face is very different from using a supplement like vitamin B5 to reduce oily skin. When you use a treatment like Clear5, you provide your body with the metabolic fuel needed to eliminate excess skin oil, but your body is smart - it regulates itself - meaning that when it has eliminated the excess and reached an optimal level of skin oil, it stops, leaving a natural level of oil to serve as a protective layer for your skin. In other words: B5 allows your body to function how it was meant to function.

and stripping your skin of *all* oil, leaving you more susceptible to damage and irritation. This is why most regimens force you to follow with a moisturizer, but then you're just adding on more chemicals that can have their own negative effects. Why not let your body protect itself the natural way?

The exception to the twice-a-day rule is if you did something to get yourself dirty. If, during the day, you managed to get yourself covered in mud or sweat or corrosive acid, then by all means wash that stuff off. Just don't go washing your face for no good reason

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